Sunday, August 12, 2007

First telephone call to Errol

I still have money left on my account and after working on Errol Sitahal's website, I decided to call him on Sunday evening. His wife answered and then we talked for about 35 minutes. I admit, I was gushing like a fan-boy at first. We went over many of the items on his resume and he provided some much needed additions. He even added one other TV program he was on that I didn't have.

The greatest amount of content is the Biography and the Resume. I think I've got he resume much closer to chronological order. The biography was greatly expaned once I found his entry in The Cambirdge Guide to African and Carribean Theatre. I need to pick one thing and work on it with him. I'd say the resume as this should be accurate and can be send to his agent to update his professional resume. Then we should concentrate on the biography. I can send him the details as I found them in the guide book. It only runs to 1994, which is a good stopping point; his film career started in 1995. Still, it's out of date by 12 years now. So much we can be doing with it.

As for calling again, I think I will put that off for at least another month if not two since Errol and I have many things to do that we should be doing via email.

(written 9/10/2007; back-dated to 8/12/2007)

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