Thursday, July 14, 2005

Blog Updates

Make something simple and I'll still find an excuse not to use it. I've gone nearly 6 weeks and not made a post here. Lots of interesting and even more mundane things have happened. So, it's a trip back in time via receipts and photos to see what all has happened that I should share here.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

30 Days on FX

Watched most of 30 Days tonight. This was the fifth show this season. Two people from New Jersey went out to the Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage in Missouri. I was juiced by the use of Solar power. It reminded me of the Green Means (html site, text site) program on using solar in Africa to allow children to study at night with electric lights.

Why do I feel that it would be so much easier to have a house in the country with a garden, a composting toilet, solar power and a clothes line if I were a lotto winner?

(Written on 7/14/2005; back-dated to 7/13/2005)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Summer Reading Program 2005

Tuesday was the last day for the Summer Reading program this year. The wife and daughter attended this mostly without me, due to work. I was along for a couple of these. Actually, my injury back on 6/28 caused them to miss half of one of the nights. It was good to meet the folks who came along from the Society for Creative Anachronism. I chatted with one fellow who talked about Marcon and his Forbidden Planet costume. Cool!

I'll have to either crash or attend Marcon next year. It's been far too long.

(Written on 7/14/2005; back-dated to 7/12/2005)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

VHS - A Little Princess

We watched A Little Princess this evening for "Family Movie Night", which is normally on Saturdays. I want, no, I need to get this on DVD.

I wish that I could keep in more regular contact with Errol Sitahal. Perhaps I will have to go back to writing him actual letters. Or, if I get a calling plan that includes Canada, that would be cool as well.

(Written on 7/14/2005; back-dated to 7/10/2005)
(Label added 9/10/2007)