Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Craving Chocolate Milk

Hmmm.... I want chocolate milk....

Urg! I want chocolate milk....

I had some soy milk this morning and it was wonderful! Why aren't soy products dirt cheap? I can still get milk for $1.79 per gallon and that makes me not want to get soy milk when it's about the same per quart.

(Here's hoping that within minutes, this post is not attacked by "Comment 'Bots" or "C.R.A.P." = "Comment Robotic Automatic Posters". Someone must have a name for those types of posts.)

Andy's Gnome - already "defaced"

Andy's Gnome Posted by Picasa
Unbelieveable - I posted this at 10:37 and three minutes later, two comments that look like they are from some sort of robotic crawler. There was nothing here except the photo and the caption. I wonder if I can selectively hide or remove comments?

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Lovely Bones (Again)

The library in town is going to have a book discussion on Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones tonight. Funny that my old library had a book discussion in May on the same book. Here's one book that I remember enough of to not have to re-read.

(Written on 9/8/2005; forward-dated to 9/12/2005)
("Future-posted" maybe?)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Operation Lunch: No Go

Looks like Max snuck out on our plans to show up wherever he was going to go to lunch today. He's here for an exit interview tomorrow and that's it. Bummer. I'm sure lunch would have been good wherever it would have been, but it was more about just hanging out that it was getting a full belly.

Have to make plans for the future since he's staying in the area.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Gas - $2.99

Bought $10 in gas this morning before work.

Katrina on my Mind

I woke up this morning at about 5:30 am and could not get back to sleep. The Oprah show was getting to me. I also heard the neighbors alarm clock-radio go off at 6 am.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Oprah Winfrey - Hurricane Katrina

My wife taped Oprah and we watched it in the evening. This is the first of two shows dealing with Hurricane Katrina: "Oprah on Location: Inside the Katrina Catastrophe".

I'd heard some of what she'd reported on last week on NPR. It was difficult watching the Chief of Police talk about not having the police presence to stop what all was going on in the Super Dome.

(Written on 9/7/2005; back-dated to 9/6/2005)
(minor edit 9/11/2007)

Vanity Plate - BLOGGER

On the way back from the dentist, I saw a car with a vanity plate reading "BLOGGER". That inspired me to get back to posting. I have a small feeling of sour grapes when it comes to vanity plates. On one hand, they seem a waste of money. Yet my friend David has them. If the state would let me get the ones I wanted when we first went to 7 characters, I'd probably have them and think differently.

I wanted to get "THX 1138", but because they actually issue the plates as three characters followed by four numbers, this will come up automatically and will not be honored as a vanity plate. The BMV site tells me: "The sequences of characters you are trying to request do not meet the reserve standards."

Funny that when I tried "NCC 1701" I get this different message ("Your request is not available, please try again.") This still makes me think that someone was able to get this plate. But I checked "NCC 1702" and it gives the message about not meeting the reserve standards.

(Written on 9/7/2005; back-dated to 9/6/2005)