Friday, November 18, 2005

Van Woes - No Go

The wife called went Andy and I were in line at Chipotle. The van had not started and was still at the Post Office. She had walked home and was cold. Andy and I finished lunch and I called around and found an Advance Auto Parts in Hilliard that could check the van, if we could jump-start it and get it there.

Headed home and picked up the wife and first checked on the van - it would not start. I pulled the battery hoping that was the cause. We left a note on the van and she let the folks in the post office know we'd come back to get the van by tomorrow. We ran her transcripts out to the High School - she's applying to be a substitute. Then we went over to Advance Auto Parts and after the battery was checked and found to be okay, we price checked a starter. Then we drove down to Auto Zone and found one for about $10 less.

By now it was time to head back to be in time to pick up the daughter from school. Called the father-in-law and he said he'd be over early to work on the van.

The moon is rising too late to sketch it. The daughter and I will have to get up and draw it during the day.

Watched some of Acting and Directing. It is quite unusual. The wife and daughter went to flute practice and then the wife went scrapbooking in the evening until late.

(written 11/20/2005; back-dated to 11/18/2005)

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