Monday, April 17, 2006

I am the stone that the builder refused...

After the weekend, and getting too much sun, I napped for over 4 hours Sunday night. Is it really a nap if it's that long? I was awake from about 9:30 PM until 2:30 AM or so and had cartoon network on for a some of the time.

After Family Guy and American Dad (I've missed that show more than I realize.) I watched most of Boondocks. I don't know if it was a new episode or not. It was an alternate history wherein Martin Luther King, Jr. was not killed when shot but rather lapsed into a coma for nearly 40 years. The story was intreging and would have been more engrosing had I focused on it. The only other episodes I've watched of Boondocks are the one on the restaurant called The Itis and the one about the girl's Lemonade stand.

I should have paid more attention to it. I'll see if this going to be on again.

The title of my post is the opening line from the theme song. You can find it here:

(Thanks Adult Swim!)

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